L'acceptació de la disrupció digital en la formació en traducció: la immersió tecnològica en simulacions de despatxos de traducció



L'objectiu d'aquest article és demostrar que l'enfocament holístic d'un "despatx de traducció simulat", que treballa conjuntament diverses competències tecnològiques que en un altre context s'haurien d'ensenyar per separat en unitats aïllades, permet que l'alumnat de traducció es familiaritzi amb les noves maneres de treballar i amb noves tecnologies.

Paraules clau

Formació en traducció, competències tecnològiques, simulació de traduccions, laboratori d'habilitats.


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Biografies de l'autor/a

Joost Buysschaert, Ghent University

Emeritus professor in the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication of Ghent University. Hon. head of the department's Terminology Centre.

María Fernández-Parra, 斯望西大学(Swansea University)

Director of MA Professional Translation in the Department of Modern Languages, Translation and Interpreting at Swansea University. Her research interests include translation technologies, terminology, interpreting, Spanish translation, translation theory and formulaic language. She is also  the Secretary of the Language Research Centre at Swansea University and the Treasurer of APTIS, Association of Programmes in Translation and Interpreting in the UK and Ireland.

Koen Kerremans, 布鲁塞尔自由大学(Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Koen Kerremans is an assistant professor at the department of Linguistics & Literary Studies of Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He is the internship and programme coordinator of the Master's in Translation and teaches courses on research methodologies in applied linguistics, terminology, translation technology and translation office simulation. His research interests mainly pertain to terminology, specialised translation and translation technologies (studied from a user’s perspective).

Maarit Koponen, 图尔库大学(University of Turku)

University lecturer in English Studies and MA Programme in Multilingual Translation Studies at the University of Turku, School of Languages and Translation Studies, with a focus on machine translation, translation technology and translation processes.

Gys-Walt van Egdom, 乌特勒支大学/南方应用科技大学(Universiteit Utrecht / Zuyd University of Applied Science)

Gys-Walt van Egdom currently teaches translation studies and translation at Utrecht University. In his previous capacity of lecturer-researcher at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences in Maastricht, he has carried out research in the domains of translation technology, translation didactics, translation evaluation and process-oriented translation studies.




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