Moving towards literary translations that are accessible to the hearing impaired: can written or signed automatic translation (AT) convey the literariness of poetic language?
In this paper we evaluate, on the basis of a case study, the benefits of the use of AT programmes to facilitate the approach to culture and literature of deaf people. After studying the reception of two original poems in French and English in their versions translated by literary translators, the MT version in Spanish and the adaptation to images in LSE, we reflect on the effect of factors such as the difficulty of the text and the degree of adaptation/simplification of the target format, as well as the participants’ degree of literacy and knowledge of LSE, on the understanding of the text in general, as well as on the perception and experience of the text as literary. The MT versions tend to achieve a higher degree of reading comprehension by emphasising content over literary form, while the LSE-adapted versions tend to achieve a higher degree of overall comprehension, as well as ‘perception’ and 'feeling' of literariness.
machine translation, accessibility, literary translation, sign language, hearing impaired people, poetry参考
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