Introducció al Dossier "Estudi de la interacció persona-ordinador en traducció i interpretació: programari i aplicacions
Les eines digitals no només estan canviant la manera de traduir i interpretar, sinó també la indústria en el seu conjunt, la percepció de la societat i la recerca en traducció i interpretació. Aquest número especial de Tradumàtica recull investigacions sobre alguns d'aquests temes, destacant la importància d'aprofundir en la investigació sobre la interacció persona-ordinador en els estudis de traducció i interpretació.
Paraules clau
interacció persona-ordinador, Processament del Llenguatge Natural, estudis de traducció i interpretació, traducció , dades de veu, tecnologies de la traducció, tecnologies de la parlaReferències
Asscher, Omri; Glikson, Ella. 2021. "Human evaluations of machine translation in an ethically charged situation." New Media & Society. <> [Accessed: 20211222]
Bowker, Lynne; Buitrago Ciro, Jairo. 2019. Machine Translation and Global Research: Towards Improved Machine Translation Literacy in the Scholarly Community. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited. <> [Accessed: 20211222]
Bowker, Lynne. 2020. "Machine translation literacy instruction for international business students and business English instructors." Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship 25 (1-2): 25-43. <>. [Accessed: 20211222]
Cadwell, Patrick; O’Brien, Sharon; Teixeira, Carlos S.C. 2018. “Resistance and Accommodation: Factors for the (Non-) Adoption of Machine Translation among Professional Translators.” Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 26 (3): 301–21. <>. [Accessed: 20211222]
Defrancq, Bart; Fantinuoli, Claudio. 2020. "Automatic speech recognition in the booth: Assessment of system performance, interpreters’ performances and interactions in the context of numbers". Target 33:1, 73-102. <>. [Accessed: 20211222]
Doherty, Stephen. 2016. “The Impact of Translation Technologies on the Process and Product of Translation.” International Journal of Communication 10: 947–69.
Fantinuoli, Claudio. 2019. "The technological turn in interpreting: the challenges that lie ahead". Proceedings of the conference Übersetzen und Dolmetschen 4.0. - Neue Wege im digitalen Zeitalter, 334-354.
García, Ignacio. 2015. “Cloud Marketplaces: Procurement of Translators in the Age of Social Media.” Journal of Specialised Translation, no. 23: 18–38.
García, Ignacio. 2017. “Translating in the Cloud Age: Online Marketplaces.” Hermes: Journal of Language and Communication Studies, no. 56: 59–70. <>. [Accessed: 20211222]
Jiménez Hurtado, Catalina; Seibel, Claudia; Soler Gallego, Silvia. 2012. "Museos para todos: la traducción e interpretación para entornos multimodales como herramienta de accesibilidad universal". MonTI. Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación, (4), 349-383. <>. [Accessed: 20211222]
Martìn-Mor, Adrià; Sánchez-Gijón, Pilar. 2016. "Machine translation and audiovisual products: a case study". JoSTrans, (26), 172-186. <>. [Accessed: 20211222]
Mellinger, Christopher D. 2019. "Computer-assisted interpreting technologies: a product and process-oriented perspective". Revista Tradumàtica 17:33-44. <>. [Accessed: 20211222]
Moorkens, Joss. 2020. “‘A Tiny Cog in a Large Machine’: Digital Taylorism in the Translation Industry.” Translation Spaces 9 (1): 12–34. <>. [Accessed: 20211222]
Nurminen, Mary; Koponen, Maarit. 2020. "Machine translation and fair access to information". Translation Spaces 9:1, 150–169. <>. [Accessed: 20211222]
Sakamoto, Akiko. 2019. “Unintended Consequences of Translation Technologies: From Project Managers’ Perspectives.” Perspectives 27 (1): 58–73. <>. [Accessed: 20211222]
Scott, Juliette; O’Shea, John. 2021. "How Legal Documents Translated Outside Institutions Affect Lives, Businesses and the Economy." International Journal for the Semiotics of Law-Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique: 1-43. <>. [Accessed: 20211222]
Taivalkoski-Shilov, Kristiina. 2019. “Ethical Issues Regarding Machine(-Assisted) Translation of Literary Texts.” Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice 27 (5): 689–703. <>. [Accessed: 20211222]
Vieira, Lucas Nunes, O’Hagan, Minako; O’Sullivan, Carol. 2020. "Understanding the societal impacts of machine translation: a critical review of the literature on medical and legal use cases." Information, Communication & Society: 1-18. <>. [Accessed: 20211222]
Vieira, Lucas Nunes; Alonso, Elisa. 2020. “Translating Perceptions and Managing Expectations: An Analysis of Management and Production Perspectives on Machine Translation.” Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice 28 (2): 163–84. <>.[Accessed: 20211222]
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