Spanish phrases with musical instrument noun


  • Mario García-Page


The main objective of this paper is to prepare a corpus of Spanish locutions containing the name of a musical instrument, for instance entre pitos y flautas or templar gaitas. To that end, we adopted, as sources for the search of locutions, four Spanish dictionaries, two descriptive dictionaries of general use –the DLE and the DEA– and two phraseologic dictionaries –DFEM and DFDEA.
Among the conclusions that can be drawn, it can be affirmed that there are very few names of musical instruments that have managed to generate locutions and that the majority are quite well-known instruments (guitar, piano, accordion, cymbal, drum, flute, violin, bagpipe, tambourine, castanets, bass drum, whistle, etc.) and even typical of the Spanish or European cultures, although with a universal character. It is to notice that the corpus of the four dictionaries are neither coincident nor stable (e.g. they vary from one edition to another).


Phraseology, Lexicon, Lexicography, Noun, Music


