Telecollaboration 2.0. Language, literacies and intercultural learning in the 21st Century, edited by Sarah Guth & Francesca Helm


  • Carles Anguera Cerarols Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


This book presents the foundations and fundamentals of what is Telecollaboration 2.0 and is the first in a series of volumes devoted to this field. Today, thanks to easily accessible technological resources, cultural exchange via online interaction has become somewhat commonplace. The use of so-called web 2.0 tools has changed the rules in the educational context. This book helps teachers provide opportunities for language and intercultural learning in a multilingual, multimodal and collaborative context. In the book, we find a theoretical framework for  telecollaboration and its implications for teachers and students, as well as various resources and case studies that will enable teachers to become familiar with the field and benefit from the advantages it offers.


telecollaboration, educational practices, Web 2.0, learning languages


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How to Cite

Anguera Cerarols, C. (2013). Telecollaboration 2.0. Language, literacies and intercultural learning in the 21st Century, edited by Sarah Guth & Francesca Helm. Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 6(1), 81–85.
