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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • All authors are PhD students or recent post-docs (within 5 years of PhD completion).
  • A separate file with author's biodata, including the year of their PhD defence and ORCID identifier, has been included. Within this file, authors should explain the criteria used to choose the authors. We suggest authors consult the CRediT taxonomy:
  • The manuscript has not been published previously and is not currently under review for another journal (if so, an explanation should be included in 'comments to the editor). If ANY of the content of the text has been published elsewhere, the author should include a copy of the published text along with the submission for a comparison of content to avoid allegations of plagiarism.
  • The manuscript is completely anonymised.
  • The text has been presented in editable format (e.g. docx).
  • The author has followed the formatting guidelines carefully.
  • The text adheres to the APA  reference citations and style requirements and includes DOI numbers when available.
  • The author has permission for the reproduction of data, figures and diagrams if they are not original to the text. The submission of a manuscript assumes the originality and legality of its content and implies that the content does not infringe any laws.
  • The text conforms to all the criteria mentioned in the author's responsibilities in the journal's ethics statement. If the text is accepted, the author will be required to sign a declaration and will be held liable of any infraction. Authors should acknowledge all funding sources in the final version of the text.

Author Guidelines

Important notice: We do not accept proposals sent by email. Please submit online after registering as an author. If you have problems, you can contact us at:

General Parameters

  • We accept manuscripts in four languages: Catalan, Spanish, English and French.
  • Length. Articles should have a maximum of 7000 words. Book reviews should have a maximum of 2000 words. Interviews should have a maximum of 4000 words. Invited editor’s notes should have a maximum of 2000 words. Abstracts and references are not included in word counts. 
  • Titles, abstracts and keywords in four languages (Catalan, Spanish, English or French) will be required after acceptance. The abstracts should not be more than 150 words (each language). Special permission for the use of other languages apart from the four languages of the journal must be requested from the editor (
  • Authors are entirely responsible for the linguistic accuracy of their texts.
  • Manuscripts must be completely anonymised. Submissions that do not include this information will be desk rejected.
  • Authors must submit a separate file with their biodata, including the year of their PhD defence and ORCID identifier. Submissions that do not include this information will be desk rejected.
  • All authors must be current graduate students or recent post-docs (within 5 years of completion. Submissions that do not meet this requirement will be desk rejected.
  • Submission online implies confirmation by the author that the text meets the journal's ethics declaration.

Format Guidelines

  • Texts should use simple, free formatting at the submission stage. After acceptance, authors will be required to format manuscripts as per the journal guidelines.
  • The pages should be numbered.
  • The title and abstract of the article (in one language at the time of submission) should be included at the beginning of the text, followed by a maximum of 5 key words.
  • Up to three levels of subheadings are allowed and must be numbered.
  • Use footnotes, not endnotes. These should be kept to a minimum.
  • On submission, figures, charts and diagrams should be included in the article in their exact position in the text and include titles. On acceptance, authors will need to include all figures, charts and diagrams in a separate zip file saved in TIF, EPS or JPEG format with 300 dpi. resolution. They must be a maximum of 16 cm wide and in the original colour.
  • Tables cannot be images, they must always be editable Word / OpenOffice tables.
  • To emphasise words, italics should be used, not bold or underline.
  • Quoting and referencing should follow the APA style (7th edition). All references should use DOI numbers if available. These can be found using the search function at crossref.
  • Only texts cited directly in the body of work should be included. This does not include secondary resources.

Invited Authors

Articles by internationally renowned researchers in the fields of language and/or literature teaching methods. They have a maximum length of 7000 words (not counting references or abstracts).


Empirical research or state-of-the-art articles in the field of language and/or literature teaching. They have a maximum length of 7000 words (not counting references or abstracts).

Book Reviews

Recent book reviews. They have a maximum length of 2000 words.


Interviews with experts. They must have a maximum of 4000 words.

Special Editor(s)

Introduction to the monograph, written by the invited editors. Maximum of 2000 words.

Privacy Statement

Use of the UAB's website and any of the services it offers implies full acceptance of the terms stipulated by the following data protection policy.

  1. Data Collection and Consent

In compliance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we herein inform users that the personal data requested in our forms or that might be provided via our email addresses, based on unambiguous explicit consent, is included in personal data files which the UAB is the owner of and responsible for. Thus, when filling in any of the forms with the personal data requested and accepting its being sent or sending us an email with personal data, the user expressly authorises and consents to the UAB processing and incorporating this personal data provided and all the data generated from the user's participation or use of the different products or services offered on this website, though this may be revoked, but not with retroactive effects, and accepts the data processing terms set out below.

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Those involved in editing this journal seek to be compliant with industry standards for data privacy, including the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provision for “data subject rights” that include (a) breach notification; (b) right of access; (c) the right to be forgotten; (d) data portability; and (e) privacy by design. The GDPR also allows for the recognition of “the public interest in the availability of the data,” which has a particular saliency for those involved in maintaining, with the greatest integrity possible, the public record of scholarly publishing.

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