Linguistic Ideologies in Migrant Spanish Education: An Ethnographic Study at a Salamanca NGO



In today’s globalized world, transnational migration has brought significant changes in social, cultural, economic, political, and linguistic dynamics. For migrants, learning the language of the host country plays a critical role in achieving inclusion and active participation within the local community. This article aims to explore the linguistic ideologies held by social agents working in an NGO based in Salamanca, Spain. It also aims to analyze how these agents’ practices contribute to reshaping users' identities, reflecting the integration policies of Castilla y León. Drawing on linguistic anthropology and ethnographic sociolinguistics, the study examines prevailing ideologies surrounding the Spanish language. Data was collected through 28 semi-structured and semi-guided interviews, as well as participant observation field notes focusing on experiences, narratives, and practices. The findings highlight the participants’ emphasis on Spanish as vital for social and workplace integration while reflecting predominantly monolingual ideologies.


Linguistic ideologies, NGO, Spanish as a Second Language (L2), Adult migrants and refugees, Narrative interviews


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Author Biography

Mary Jaqueline Restrepo Díez, Universidad de Salamanca

Estudiante de quinto año del Programa de doctorado "Español: Investigación Avanzada en Lengua y Literatura" en el área de Lingüística aplicada, con línea de investigación en sociolingüística, en la Universidad de Salamanca. Máster Universitario en Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera, Universidad de Cantabria-CIESE Comillas, 2020. Profesora de ELE.



How to Cite

Restrepo Díez, M. J. (2024). Linguistic Ideologies in Migrant Spanish Education: An Ethnographic Study at a Salamanca NGO. Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 17(4), e1379.
