Affective literacy in language teaching: the voice of adult migrants



Adults with a migrant background need to learn the language of their host country in order to integrate, socialise, succeed and become active members of that society. In this theoretical article, I explore the concept of affective literacy understood in its broadest sense, as the impact of reading in the language of the host country on the lives of adults from multicultural migrant backgrounds. The main aim is to reflect on the reading process as a key element of transformative education. To this end, I advocate for additional language teaching that incorporates the voices of linguistically and culturally diverse adults, as they need to construct meanings through different modes, e.g. oral, written, visual or digital, to complement their personal culture. I believe that in our multicultural and multimodal society, teaching the local language to adults in the context of migration can be further enhanced if crucial affective aspects are addressed. I also add data from studies defining affective literacy and examining its application in language classrooms.


Adult education, Language learning, Affective literacy, Migration, Reading


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Author Biography

M. Carmen Fonseca, Universidad de Huelva

Catedrática de Enseñanza de Lenguas y fundadora de ReALL (Research in Affective Language Learning Lab) en la Universidad de Huelva, España. Es miembro del Centro de Investigación ‘Pensamiento Contemporáneo e Innovación para el Desarrollo Social’ (COIDESO). Sus principales líneas de investigación son la lingüística aplicada y la formación de profesores de idiomas.



How to Cite

Fonseca, M. C. (2024). Affective literacy in language teaching: the voice of adult migrants. Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 17(4), e1406.
