L’ensenyament de l’espai geogràfic en una aula d’anglès de primària
A competence-based curriculum aims at helping learners to master those communicative resources that are necessary to act efficiently and reasonably in our society. Achieving these competences means learning how to use, orally and through the written medium, those languages that are essential to be able to solve the different situations that people have to face in the development of their social activities as citizens. The PADS project was grounded in these premises and designed a teaching unit that allowed learners to become familiar with notions of geographic space in an English primary class. The pedagogical proposal was developed using the Project Based Language-Learning approach and designed as a telecolaborative experience, which ensured that learning was . significant, functional, transdisciplinar and competential .Keywords
Competències, espai geogràfic, telecol·laboració, aprenentatge de llengües, eduació primàriaReferences
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