Introduction: Language Education for Adults in Migration Contexts



Faced with the challenges posed by language education for adult migrants in Spain, this special issue seeks to address the main tensions, opportunities, and challenges arising in this educational field from various perspectives. Through six contributions, it reflects on key aspects such as affective literacy, teachers' approaches to interculturality, interinstitutional and cross-sector collaboration, linguistic ideologies in non-formal contexts, musical aptitude for developing reading skills, and the potential of tools like the LASLLIAM reference guide to advance inclusive policies for non-literate students. Additionally, the final dialogue between two educators with diverse trajectories offers a critical and enriching perspective on the progress and challenges in teaching languages to adult migrants in Catalonia.


Migration, Teaching additional languages, Adult education, Literacy education


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Author Biography

Denise Paola Holguín Vaca, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Investigadora postdoctoral (programa Margarita Salas) en el grupo GREIP. Su trabajo se centra en la enseñanza de lenguas en contextos de migración, con un énfasis particular en la formación docente y la enseñanza de lenguas desde enfoques críticos y decoloniales en la educación no formal de lenguas para adultos.



How to Cite

Holguín Vaca, D. P. (2024). Introduction: Language Education for Adults in Migration Contexts. Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 17(4), e1457.
