"I'm too good": Empowering plurilingual practices and pluriliteracies in an after-school program
In this article, I describe interactions involving Dalil, a plurilingual boy with migrant family backgrounds, as he participates in an after-school reading program in Barcelona, the city where he lives and has been schooled. The program addresses children categorized as being ‘at risk’ of school failure for not achieving the expected levels of reading in Catalan, the school vehicular language, and aims at supporting their literacy competence. The ethnographic observation of Dalil’s interactions with peers and adult mentors during the program sessions foregrounds his display of complex, competent plurilingual and pluriliteracy practices that challenge deficit-based categorizations of his capacities. Analyzing these practices supports broader understandings of plurilingual pupils’ language and literacy competence, and the promotion of inclusive, competence-based approaches that confer children like Dalil with the self, hetero and institutional legitimation needed to learn displaying their entire repertoire and multiple competences.
After-school programs, Plurilingualism, Pluriliteracies, Embodied learningReferences
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