Producir textos en los inicios de la alfabetización: el impacto de diferentes enfoques pedagógicos en la expresión evaluativa
The aims of this study are to analyze the impact of the approach for teaching literacy on the evaluative expressions in narrative texts, based on a comic strip, and to compare the texts produced by preschoolers and first graders in three modalities: oral, dictated to an adult and written. Participants were 33 preschoolers and 32 first graders attending schools with a ‘constructivist’ approach to teaching literacy, as well as 30 preschool children and 28 first graders attending schools with a formal systematic approach. Results show a significantly higher percentage of evaluative expressions in the texts produced by children educated with a constructivist approach in both age groups in the three modalities. A qualitative analysis shows a variety of evaluative expressions. The educational implications of these findings are discussed.
evaluative expressions, pedagogic approach, literacy, narrative texts productionReferences
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