25 anys de recerca en didàctica de la llengua


  • Anna Camps i Mundó Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


This article is derived from the inaugural conference of the Master's Degree in Education Research given on January 19, 2017 in the Faculty of Education Sciences, Autonomous University of Barcelona, within the framework of the year-long celebrations for the 25th anniversary of the faculty.


Specialized teaching, Language use, Expository texts, Explanatory texts, Metalinguistic activity


Camps, A. (1994). L’ensenyament de la composició escrita. Barcelona: Barcanova.

Camps, A., & Milian, M. (coords.) (2008). Mirades i veus. Barcelona: Graó.

Chevellard, Y. (1989). La transposition didactique. Du savoir savant au savoir enseigné (2a.edició revisada , 1991). Paris: La pensée sauvage.

Galí, A. (1928). La mesura objectiva del treball escolar. Quaderns dels cursos lliures depedagogia. (reedició: Vic: EUMO, 1984). Barcelona: Biblioteca Pedagògica.

Solé, I. (1987). L'ensenyament de la comprensió lectora. Barcelona: CEAC.

Author Biography

Anna Camps i Mundó, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Anna Camps is Emeritus Professor of Language Teaching Methodologies. She holds a Master's degree in Pedagogy and Romance Philology and a PhD in Psychology. She has taught at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in education on several different doctorate and MA programmes. Her research interests focus on teaching writing and metalinguistic reflection and teaching of grammar in primary and secondary schools. She has been lead researcher of projects in these areas and has supervised numerous doctoral theses along these lines. She has also coordinated and participated in several networks and research groups. She has over two hundred publications on subjects of Language Teaching and has lectured at many universities and international conferences. She is member of the board for the journal "Articles" and is a member of the advisory boards of numerous journals on linguistics and on teaching language and literature.


