EXPRESSART: A project-based language learning experience



This article aims to compare two different methodologies (implemented by a single teacher in an practitioner research approach) used in a 4th year English classroom in a public primary school in Catalonia. To do this comparison, different outcomes from students were collected and analysed to answer different questions related to Project Based Language Learning approach (PBLL) and what the author calls Course-Book Driven approach (CBD). The article examines, through the analysis of the students’ productions and of the focus group, the evidence of gains in written language and the motivation of the students depending on the approach used. The article concludes with several implications for research and practice.


project, language learning, multimodal communicative output, motivation and collaboration

Author Biography

Javier Barba, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Javier Barba Calatrava

Departament de Didàctica de la Llengua i la Literatura i de les Ciències Socials

Campus de la UAB · 08193 Bellaterra
(Cerdanyola del Vallès) · Barcelona · Spain




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