Telecollaborative Foreign Language Networks in European Universities: A Report on Current Attitudes and Practices


  • Sarah Guth Università di Padova, Italy SUNY COIL Center, USA
  • Francesca Helm Università di Padova, Italy
  • Robert O'Dowd Universidad de León, Spain


This paper reports on a survey which sought to identify the state of the art in the practice of telecollaboration in Europe. It was the first large scale survey carried out on the practice of telecollaboration in Europe and was carried out as part of the European Commission funded project, INTENT - Integrating Telecollaborative Networks into Foreign Language Higher Education. Also known as Online Intercultural Exchange (OIE), telecollaboration engages groups of foreign language learners in virtual intercultural interaction and exchange with partner classes in geographically distant locations. Much research has been carried out on telecollaboration, though this comprises largely of small-scale studies on single telecollaboration projects. The aim of this paper is to discuss the findings from the final report on the survey, provide recommendations for decision-makers and teachers based on these findings and present the UniCollaboration website that was developed largely on the basis of the findings. The paper ends with a brief comparison of the INTENT survey results to findings from two other OIE projects: eTwinning and the COIL Institute for Globally Networked Learning in the Humanities. 



Telecollaboration, Foreign Language Teaching, Higher Education, Online Intercultural Exchange (OIE), virtual intercultural interaction and exchange


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Author Biographies

Sarah Guth, Università di Padova, Italy SUNY COIL Center, USA

Sarah Guth teaches EFL at the University of Padova, Italy and collaborates with the SUNY COIL Center on professional development programs. Her research lies in the areas of CMC, intercultural communication, and the use of language in telecollaboration. Her current interest is in the normalization of telecollaboration in higher education institutions across disciplines.

Francesca Helm, Università di Padova, Italy

Francesca Helm is a researcher at the Department of Politics, Law and International Studies at the University of Padova. She teaches English to students on second-level degree courses in International Politics and Diplomacy, European Studies. Her research interests lie in the areas of intercultural dialogue,  telecollaboration, learner identity, the socio-cultural context of Web 2.0 for language and intercultural learning, new online literacies and the use of English in global communication. She has an MA in TESOL from the Institute of Education, London and is currently working on a PhD at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. More information on publications and research is available here:

Robert O'Dowd, Universidad de León, Spain

Robert O'Dowd comes from Ireland. He teaches EFL and Applied Linguistics and is Director for International Training at the University of León, Spain. He studied European Studies at the University of Limerick in Ireland, before going on to do an MA at the University of Ulster and then a PhD at the University of Essen in Germany. He has taught English at universities in Ireland, Germany and Spain and has published widely on the application of online technologies for the development of intercultural competence in foreign language learners. He recently coordinated a European Commission Lifelong Learning Project on integrating telecollaboration in European Higher Education ( He is also one of the main developers of the UNICollaboration platform:

Some of his publications are available here:


