Editor's Notes


  • Victoria Antoniadou Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


This year’s special issue of BJTLLL is dedicated to Computer-Mediated Foreign Language Teaching and Learning as it has been shaped by sociocultural and dialogic turns in pedagogy. The volume aspires to contribute to the investigation of the potential of CMC and telecollaboration in hosting positive learning environments for a long sought-for reform in foreign language and teacher education. The articles herein report on interventions that have been or are being carried out in diverse internationally-dispersed sociocultural contexts.



Editor's Notes

Author Biography

Victoria Antoniadou, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Victoria Antoniadou is a PhD candidate in Language and Literature Education at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Her research draws upon the sociocultural-historical line of thought regarding learning and development as a lens to explore teacher learning trajectories over lengthy periods of time. Her dissertation incorporates the investigation of teacher learning in the making i.e., process and outcomes, as it unfolds in a blended configuration of online and offline spheres of participation, social interaction and multiple resources.


