An Interview with Ohio University Associate Professor of CALL Greg Kessler


  • Victoria Antoniadou Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is a broad field of immense contemporary concern in language (teacher) education. On behalf of the Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, Victoria Antoniadou, had the great pleasure and privilege of an online interview with a pioneer in this field, Associate Professor of CALL in the Department of Linguistics at Ohio University, Dr. Greg Kessler. His passion and empirical knowledge of this field generated a rich and insightful talk on the potential of CALL for contemporary language education, including language teacher education. He shared his research experiences with language teacher preparation programs in the US and the world; and knowledge about the attempts currently being made to explore and take advantage of the vast potential that this field has to offer to pedagogical innovation.



interview, CALL, TEFL, language teaching


Kessler, G. (2007). Formal and informal CALL preparation and teacher attitude toward technology. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 20(2), 173–188.

Kessler, G., & Bikowski, D. (2010). Developing collaborative autonomous learning abilities in computer mediated language learning: Attention to meaning among students in wiki space. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 23(1), 41–58.

Kessler, G., & Bikowski, D. (2011). The influence of SLA training in curricular design among teachers in preparation. CALICO Journal, 28(2), 522–545.

Kessler, G., & Plakans, L. (2008). Does teachers' confidence with CALL equal innovative and integrated use? Computer Assisted Language Learning, 21(3), 269–282.

Author Biography

Victoria Antoniadou, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Victoria Antoniadou is a PhD candidate in Language and Literature Education at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Her research draws upon the sociocultural-historical line of thought regarding learning and development as a lens to explore teacher learning trajectories over lengthy periods of time. Her dissertation incorporates the investigation of teacher learning in the making i.e., process and outcomes, as it unfolds in a blended configuration of online and offline spheres of participation, social interaction and multiple resources.


