La ambigüedad de significado en el álbum y su lector implícito


  • Celia Turrión Penelas Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


The ambiguity of meaning is one of the narrative complications associated with the literary contemporary production, it has been lately introduced in the children’s literature system and defies, in a radical way, the conventions associated with children’s books. The ambiguity demands a greater interpretive effort by the reader, who must activate his meaning-making resources in order to understand the book. This study establishes the presence of ambiguity in children’s books as a possible quality criterion when it appears together with an interpretive cooperation strategy. The article approaches the ambiguity of meaning in a type of book which is suitable for innovation and which allows more flexible narrative forms and major structural complications: the picturebook. For doing it, we take the analysis of Browne's The Tunnel as an example.


ambiguity of meaning, interpretive cooperation, model reader, picturebooks


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Author Biography

Celia Turrión Penelas, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Celia Turrión Penelas trabaja como editora de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil e investiga en el mismo campo. En la actualidad compatibiliza su actividad laboral con la realización de su tesis doctoral y con la colaboración en proyectos de diferente índole relacionados con la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil.


