Crònica d’un projecte d’educació plurilingüe. Un estudi de cas
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) programs are currently becoming widespread, and numerous studies advocate them as the most appropriate environment for second language learning through not specifically language-related curricular subjects. The present article includes a documented narrative of the development of an experimental CLIL program. The narrative is part of a longitudinal research project aiming at exploring from a sociocultural perspective the CLIL program implemented in a secondary school in Barcelona, together with some of the methodological approaches adopted by the teachers involved to negotiate the difficulties which arise when a foreign language is used as the medium of instruction in a content classroom. The analysis of the data obtained from video recordings of the classroom, complemented by the teacher’s field diary kept during his role of action researcher, as well as by interviews and teacher-moderated student discussion groups, reveals the use made by the students of the complex pedagogical device presented to them through the tasks and materials designed ad hoc by the collaboratively working teachers.Keywords
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), tandem teaching, mathematics in English, interaction and learning, multilingual educationReferences
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