CLIL for medical universities

How to teach effectively in the glocal classroom



This article offers insights into the knowledge, skills and attitudes medical educators need to teach effectively to culturally diverse cohorts of medical students. “CLIL in Medical Education: Reaching for Tools to Teach Effectively in English in a Multicultural and Multilingual Learning Space” (CLILMED), an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership, designed a profile to assist medical educators in the process of intentional goal-setting and self-reflection around their pedagogy, language and culture. It is the pluricultural outcomes of education that will be addressed here, since favouring the development of knowledge, attitudes and skills related to otherness, plurality and diversity have a direct impact on the quality of healthcare provision (Bradshaw, 2019; Corbett, 2011; Tiwary et al., 2019). Understanding what competences medical educators need in an intercultural classroom greatly influences their ability to intentionally design, implement and develop their teaching. The CLILMED Glocal Competence Profile for Medical Educators, centred around the intended pluricultural outcomes of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), is intended to clarify and support lifelong learning for helping medical professionals interact effectively and appropriately with students from other linguistic and cultural backgrounds. 


Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), medical education, Continuous Professional Development (CPD), competence profile, pluricultural outcomes


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Author Biographies

Jennifer Valcke, Karolinska Institutet

Jennifer Valcke, PhD, is an Educational Developer for the Unit for Teaching and Learning at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. Her role includes teaching, training and advising on issues related to international/intercultural education and CLIL, as well as implement KI’s strategy for the internationalisation of education. Her areas of research focus on sustainable education, global citizenship and the professional development of university teachers.

Research affillilation: Medical Interactions Team, Department of Learning, Informatics, Manag,enet and Ethics, Karolisnka Institutet.

Justyna Giezynska, Luminar Foundation

Justyna is an expert in international higher education, Luminar Foundation president, Studybility CEO, BA in Cultural Anthropology (University of California) and MA in Russian and Eastern European Studies (Georgetown University). Helps HEIs apply changes related to internationalisation through a change-management assistance, seminars, workshops, market research and consultations. Organiser of a Leadership Forum in Higher Education conference on strategic internationalisation, modernisation of education and its intercultural aspects.

Andras Nagy, University of Pecs

Andras Nagy, M.D. Ph.D. Habil. is an associate professor of Anatomy, and a representative of the English Program Committee. He is teaching first-year and second-year medical students and is involved in admission interviews. He gained expertise in group teaching in Pécs and in Cambridge, UK. His  research experience in Chronobiology comes from international research fellowships at Cambridge University, UK and at Kyushu University, Japan. 

Amani Eltayb, Karolinska Institutet

Amani Eltayb, Vet., PhD, is an educational developer and a lecturer for the unit of Teaching and Learning at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. Since she obtained her PhD from Karolinska Institutet, she has combined teaching and researching on different fields as Pharmacology, Global Health and Sexual reproductive health. Her aeras of responsibilities include teaching and advising on issues with focus on Global Health, global citizenship, sustainable development goals and integrating Agenda 2030 in Education at Karolinska Institutet.

Research affillilation: Medical Interactions Team, Department of Learning, Informatics, Manag,enet and Ethics, Karolisnka Institutet.




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