The A-B-C of content teaching in an EMI classroom

Reflecting on language and the co-construction of doing teaching



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Author Biographies

Monica Clua , Universitat International de Catalunya

Monica Clua is a lecturer with the Department of Applied Linguistics, and teaches research-related disciplinary literacy skills to students in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Her research interests include disciplinary literacies, English as a lingua franca, social/classroom interaction, conversation analysis, membership categorisation analysis and social semiotics.

Javier Jiménez, International University of Catalonia

Javier Jiménez is a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Basic Science at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC Barcelona). He is an experienced lecturer, and through this interview, he reflects on his experience as an EMI teacher of Immunology and Microbiology between the years 2016-2019. He taught this subject in English in the English-track Dentistry programme, and in Spanish in the Spanish-track programme, back-to-back.




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