Alvaro Biondi, Il tempo e l’evento: Dino Buzzati e l’«Italia magica», Bulzoni, Roma, 2010.


  • Silvia Zangrandi Università IULM (Milano, Italia)

Palabras clave

Reseña, Alvaro Biondi, Dino Buzzati

Biografía del autor/a

Silvia Zangrandi, Università IULM (Milano, Italia)

Silvia Zangrandi has been working as a Ricercatore (Assistant Professor) ofContemporary Italian Literature at Università IULM - Milano (Italy) since2005. She received her Ph. D. in Comparative studies. Her publications includestudies about Dino Buzzati, Italo Calvino, Primo Levi, Giorgio Manganelli,Luigi Meneghello, Eugenio Montale, Anna Maria Ortese, Cesare Pavese;the volumes A servizio della realtà (2003) on the journalistic novel in Italy, Linguae attualità letteraria (2006) about the evolution of the Italian language inthe XX century, Pagine infestate (2007) about the evolution of the topos of theghost and Cose dell’altro mondo. Percorsi nella letteratura fantastica italiana del Novecento(2011) about the italian fantastic literature of XX century. Her currentresearches are focusing on: comparative studies concerning the fantastic literatureof the XX century; the relationship between literature and journalism;the Italian narrative of the second half of the XX century, with particular attentionto the linguistic solutions adopted by the writers.


