The Voice of an Indian Trans Woman: a Hijra Autobiography


  • Regiane Corrêa de Oliveira Ramos Faculdade de Tecnologia (Fatec)


The aim of this paper is to raise awareness of the humanity of hijras through their autobiographies. The Truth about Me: A Hijra Life Story (2015) by A. Revathi will shed light on transsexuality in India. The hijra literature in English is gaining space, albeit small, in the literary milieu with its main character, a trans woman, who narrates her story challenging the heteronormative world. Not bending to gender norms, Revathi sought her place in the world, becoming not only a hijra, but also a political agent in her community. Her writing/telling reveals the bruises and wounds of a body violated by a deeply hierarchical society and her activism evidences that trans people are not passive recipients of forces acting upon their lives. They deploy agency in a variety of ways showing how their lives are located at the intersection of caste, class and patriarchies. These structures along with heteronormativity not only oppress them but also make them invisible under the heterosexual, family and reproductive model. In order to understand the hijras communities, it is important to analyze this through the intersectionality of social markers--gender, sexuality, class, caste, generation, region, religion, kinship and etc--interacting them at multiple and often simultaneous levels (Reddy 2005). Moreover, one must think of the terms izzat (honour) and asli (authenticity) that permeate Indian culture.


Transsexuality, hijra literature, Indian culture, gender violence


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Author Biography

Regiane Corrêa de Oliveira Ramos, Faculdade de Tecnologia (Fatec)

Regiane Corrêa de Oliveira Ramos teaches English at Faculdade de Tecnologia (Fatec) in São Paulo, Brazil. She is the President of Brasil-Índia Associação de Redes de Conhecimento (Brazil-India Knowledge Networks Association). She holds Ph.D. in English literature from University of São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil (2016). In 2012-13, she was a CAPES Ph.D. Fellow at the English Department of Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Her areas of interest and research are postcolonial studies, de-colonial studies, multi-literacy studies and gender studies. Currently, she is researching about literature on the hijra community of India in English language.


