Anàlisi d’errors en l’expressió escrita del català com a llengua addicional: contrast entre l’alumnat serbi i l’anglòfon
The main aim of this paper is to offer a first approach to the characteristics of the interlanguage of students of Catalan as an additional language whose first languages are Serbian, on the one hand, and English, on the other. It takes as methodological bases both error analysis and interlanguage studies. In order to carry on the study, a corpus of 97 exams corresponding to the tests of the B1 certificates in Catalan issued by the Institut Ramon Llull during the years 2011 and 2012 was used. The exams were transcribed, labeled and analyzed using the AntConc software. After analyzing the texts, the errors have been classified according to a grammatical criterion, so that the main errors of the students are presented according to whether they are orthographic and orthotypographic, morphosyntactic, lexicosemantic or pragmatic-discursive levels. The paper shows how orthography (in the case of English-speaking students) and morphosyntax (in the case of Serbian students) are the areas that have the highest percentages of errors, although the lexical-semantic field is where we can detect more clearly the interferences of the first languages and, above all, of the other languages spoken by the students.
Error analysis, corpus, interlanguage, Catalan as an additional languageReferences
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