As science teachers, do we evaluate our practice?


  • María Isabel Hernández Rodríguez


The title of this article is intended to invite science teachers to reflect on why, what and how we evaluate our teaching practice. We live immersed in an educational context where a lot is said about educational innovations, methodological, organizational, and assessment changes, etc. However, it is not found the same level of debate on whether evaluation of teachers’ efforts to design, rethink and adapt school practices and experiences is needed – and how to carry it out. An analytical framework for the evaluation of teaching proposals and educational interventions is presented, together with an exemplification focused on the case of an evaluation of a school project about air pollution contextualised in the problem of Cerdanyola’s crematorium. The aim of this educational reflection is, therefore, engage sci-ence teachers in this necessary debate on how to appraise the quality of teaching practice.


evaluation, educational innovation, teaching competencies, instruments, school project, second-ary school, air pollution,


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