A New Book and Further Recent Scholarship on Seleukid Royal Women



The article sets out by briefly surveying recent scholarship on the Seleukid kingdom and Hellenistic queenship. Two important works that fall into both fields: Women and Monarchy in the Ancient World edited by Beth Carney and Sabine Müller (2021) and Basilissa authored by Christiane Kunst (2022). The discussion, however, concentrates on the first monograph that systematically explores Seleukid queenship: Robin Hämmerling’s Zwischen dynastischem Selbstbild und literarischem Stereotyp. Königinnen der Seleukiden und der Mittelmächte Kleinasiens (2019). By investigating the roles of the sister and the mother of the king as well as inter-dynastic marriages, Hämmerling explores the extent of the basilissa’s autonomous agency. Revisiting the evidence leads the author of the present article to many alternative views, especially concerning the early Seleukid women from Apama over Stratonike to Laodike I-IV . While Hämmerling rightly identifies the sibling marriage among the Seleukids as ritual role play until the generation of Antiochos III, the same arguments should have induced him to challenge the standard claim that there was a radical change beginning with Antiochos the son of Antiochos III. Another shortcoming is the assumption of monogamy as the norm in the House of Seleukos, although the evidence clearly favours polygamy as the prevailing model. But Hämmerling’s main conclusion is confirmed: the political power of the Seleukid queen was limited and confined to some instances of troubled successions; her typical role was to represent the royal family rather than to rule. Yet he omits an investigation into the basilissa title. He follows the traditional view that it could be borne by every woman of the king’s family, whereas the present paper argues that it is mostly attested for only one woman, namely the mother of the designated successor, co-ruling king, or king after his succession. The position of the basilissa was thus to support the smooth dynastic transition at the polygamous court, it did not come with any institutional power.


Seleukids, basilissa, marriage diplomacy, sibling marriage, polygamy, royal succession


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Author Biography

Altay Coskun, University of Waterloo

Altay Coşkun is Professor of Classical Studies at the University of Waterloo, Ontario. He gained his PhD (1999) and Habilitation (2007) at Trier University. His latest books are Fremd und rechtlos? Zugehörigkeitsrechte Fremder von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart (with Lutz Raphael, 2014), Interconnectivity in the Mediterranean and Pontic World (with Victor Cojocaru and Madalina Dana, 2014), Seleukid Royal Women (with Alex McAuley, 2016), Rome and the Seleukid East (with David Engels, 2019), Ethnic Constructs, Royal Dynasties and Historical Geography around the Black Sea Littoral (2021). Further works on ancient Galatia, Seleukid ideology, the Bosporan kingdom, and the Resilience of the Seleukid Dynasty (2nd century BC) are in preparation.




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