¿A qué nos referimos cuando hablamos de “usar la lengua para aprenderla”?
This article ítems from the closing ceremony of the Jornadas Interuniversitárias that were held on 26 March 2010 at the Universidad Pompeu Fabra and which were organised by the Universidad Pompeu Fabra, the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and the Universidad de Barcelona. The article outlines the changes that the notion of “learning languages through language” has undergone in recent times, specifically in the foreign language classroom. The article provides an historical overview of the various interpretations of this concept in second language learning in order to synthesize how this has brought about changes in the classroom. It is argued here that this new focus not only modifies the concept of classroom interaction, it also brings a new dimension to the role of language (L1 and others) into the learning of another language.
Didáctica de la lengua española, lengua extranjera, enseñanzaReferences
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