Read the world to write the future: An interview with professors E Wayne Ross and Xosé Manuel Souto, experts in critical social studies



E Wayne Ross is professor at the University of British Columbia (Canada). He is interested in the influence of social and institutional contexts on teachers’ practice as well as the role of curriculum and teaching in building a democratic society in the face of antidemocratic impulses of greed, individualism, and intolerance.

Xosé Manuel Souto is professor at the University of Valencia (Spain), in the department of social and experimental sciences education. He directs the Gea-Clío educational innovation group that has developed, for the past thirty years, its work in the fields of teacher training, creation of curricular material and educational research.


Critical Education, Social Studies, Critical Literacy, Counter-hate Speech, Global Citizenship

Author Biography

Jordi Castellví Mata, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja

Jordi Castellví has a degree in History and Primary Education, and a PhD. in Education (2019). His interests are research methodologies, global citizenship education, the phenomenon of populism and the development of critical thinking in digital contexts. Castellví had a scholarship from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness as part of the R&D EDU2016-80145-P project at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where he has worked as a research fellow of Social Studies Education. He is currently a lecturer at the UNIR (Unversidad Internacional de la Rioja).




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