Selecting works for research on digital literature for children and young people: from theory to reception


  • Lucas Ramada Prieto Independiente
  • Celia Turrión Penelas


Digital fiction is a central part of children’s and adolescents’ cultural habits, and yet mediation based on digital works is still missing in the school. This article reflects on the practice of selecting works of digital literature for children and young people to train readers in the framework of the current research project of the GRETEL group (UAB): “Teaching to read digital literature”. The text describes the decisions that have been adopted and the obstacles that have been saved in relation to the process of selecting children's digital fiction works from three axes: the extraction of data on reading strategies, the training with children from these data and the subsequent analysis of the evolution of their competences. The essay presents and analyzes the works that have been employed and proposes strategies to overcome the main problems of research in this field.


children’s literature, digital literature, literary education, literary facilitation


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