Mentoring teachers: An interview with Angi Malderez



In this interview, Dr Angi Malderez shares her journey as a teacher, and becoming a teacher educator and a mentor trainer. She defines mentoring as the one-to-one support by a relatively more experienced teacher for the growth and learning of another, and for their integration into the school culture and the wider professional culture. She highlights the importance of mentoring in education, and discusses the conditions that mentoring requires for its sustainability and success for all the actors in the educational community.


mentoring, teacher of teachers, teacher education


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Author Biography

Loreto Aliaga Salas, University of Leeds, UK RICELT, Chile

Loreto Aliaga Salas is a doctoral researcher at the University of Leeds. Her research focuses on teacher educators’ cognitions in the context of a curriculum change in a pre-service language teacher education programme in Chile. She is a teacher of English, and has taught at primary, secondary, and at pre- and in-service teacher education in Chile and the UK. She is a founding member of RICELT, the Chilean network of researchers in ELT.




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