Los finales en la literatura infantil contemporánea
The late 20th century brought a notable innovation in children's literature in Western post-industrial societies. This change, both literary and educational, has been manifested in the production of books with new content, new artistic techniques and new discursive forms (Silva-Díaz, 2005). Amongst these innovations, the use of endings which are removed from the archetypical happy ending has been one of the most controversial in the field of their assessment. Taking this debate as a point of departure, this study analyses the endings of works of contemporary children's literature aimed at readers aged 8 to 10 years, which specialized critics have recommended the most. The results obtained demonstrate that the diversification of the varieties of denouement has increased in recent years. Moreover, its use has been renewed by complying with the new characteristics of children's literature in these first decades of the 21st century.
Children’s literature, denouement, closure, endingReferences
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