The diachronic perspective of fundamental rights and its application in the context of climate justice


  • Gisela Alandí López Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


This study is based on the results I obtained in my final year project, The diachronic perspective of fundamental rights, directed by professor of Administrative Law and former counsel of the Constitutional Court, Carlos Padrós Reig. The paper addresses the innovative doctrine of the diachronic or intertemporal perspective of fundamental rights and freedoms, which has emerged in relation to the state’s obligations to protect the rights of future generations within the framework of the management of dangerous anthropogenic climate change, and which observes the risks of injury to future rights. Therefore, through the study of new comparative law resolutions on climate change (with the notable contribution of the German Constitutional Court in the Klimaschutz case), it aims to provide a concept of protection of fundamental rights that responds to the demands of current society in continuous development and enables intergenerational protection, especially in cases of climate litigation.


rights of future generations, intergenerational justice, climate justice, climate change, diachronic fundamental rights


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