About the Journal


The Journal of Human Security and Global Law is an interdisciplinary journal published since 2022 by the Cátedra Manuel Ballbé and the Autonomous University of Barcelona. It includes articles on empirical and theoretical research in all areas of human security (environmental, economic, food, health, community, political and personal) (UNDP, 1994) from all regions of the world from a methodological approach specific to the historical and legal sciences.

The journal pays special attention to studies that pose a new problem or introduce a new topic with clear hypotheses and predictions, and to works that in one way or another are relevant in the promotion of human rights and security.

Its aim is to present a central post-state approach to security focusing on the effects on the individual and human communities (social, political, economic, cultural).


Annual (November).

Open access policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle that making research available to the public free of charge promotes greater global exchange of knowledge. Users are allowed to read, download, distribute, print, partially reproduce, search for, or link to texts without prior permission from the publisher or author.

The journal is subject to an Attribution 3.0 Spain license (CC BY 3.0 ES)

Publication Fees

Since the publication costs for Journal of Human Security and Global Law are covered by the editing university internal budgets, authors do not need to pay an article-processing charge (APC) and no waivers are offered.

Submission of articles

Authors can send materials for the different sections available in Journal of Human Security and Global Law (go to Send your article).