DOM co-occurrence restrictions and their repair strategies
evidence from Romanian and Galician
Since the pioneering discussion in Ormazabal & Romero (2007), work on PCC-effects that extend beyond clitic clusters has been the focus of much investigative research (Cornilescu 2020, Sheehan 2020, Irimia in press, a.o.). Many of these effects have been shown to arise with animate nominals, in Romance particularly those bearing differential object marking (DOM). More work, however, is needed on documenting how these types of co-occurrence restrictions can be repaired. In this article, we discuss repair strategies in contexts containing DOM from Romanian and Galician as compared to Spanish; we show that an understanding of these facts revolves around the typology of available [person] licensing positions along the clausal spine. We show that Romanian and Galician exhibit multiple licensing positions within various licensing domains, both within and beyond the vP. We also discuss data from both Peninsular and Argentine Spanish that differ in this regard and demonstrate that they have fewer licensing positions than Romanian and Galician.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Brian Gravely, Monica Alexandrina Irimia
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