The Romance Inter-Views 3
The Romance Inter-Views are short, multiple Q&A pairs that address key issues, definitions and ideas regarding Romance linguistics or general linguistics from a Romance viewpoint. Prominent exponents of different approaches to the study of Romance linguistics are asked to answer some general questions. The answers are then assembled so that readers can get a comparative picture of what’s going on in the field.
This is the third Inter-view. The first Inter-view, on Syntax, can be found here. The second Inter-view, on Cartography, can be found here.
modularity, Romance linguistics, syntax, morphology, PF, prosody, semanticsReferences
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Copyright (c) 2024 Alex Chabot, M. Rita Manzini, Andrew Nevins, Heather Newell, Ian Roberts, Shanti Ulfsbjorninn

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.