Revisiting Gandhi’s Idea of Trusteeship in the Context of Globalization and Inequality


  • Stefy V Joseph CHRIST University, Bangalore
  • Mucheli Rishvanth Reddy CHRIST University, Bangalore


Mahatma Gandhi’s idea of trusteeship is a pragmatic model of development that aims to attain economic equality in society. This idea is an alternative to communism and capitalism and is based on nonviolence and inclusivity.  Trusteeship seeks to resolve the conflict between labour and capital by emphasizing on equitable distribution of work and wages, giving equal importance to manual and mental labour, promoting people to labour for their own bread, creating a society in which all the people are entitled only to as much wealth as required to satisfy their needs and have time for leisure. Trusteeship replaces competition with cooperation by promoting wealthy people to voluntarily abdicate their wealth for the underprivileged. It aims to transform self-interested individuals to work for group-interest. This idea is relevant for the present times when inequality is widening the gap between rich and poor, and weakening the prospects of inclusive development. Trusteeship is a workable solution that can ensure sustainable progress in contemporary times. 


Economic Equality, Trusteeship, Gandhi, Businessman, Globalization, Nonviolence, Property


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Author Biographies

Stefy V Joseph, CHRIST University, Bangalore

Assistant Professor
Department of International Studies, Political Science and History School of Social Sciences, CHRIST(Deemed to be University)
Hosur Road, Bangalore, Karnataka, India 560029

Mucheli Rishvanth Reddy, CHRIST University, Bangalore

Department of International Studies, Political Science and History School of Social Sciences, CHRIST(Deemed to be University)
Hosur Road, Bangalore, Karnataka 560029




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