A Reading of Primitive Buddhism from Philosophical Praxis


  • Teresa Gaztelu Universidad Pontificia de Comillas


This work proposes a new consideration of suttapiṭaka Buddhism. It is well known that primitive Buddhism offers solid metaphysical, anthropological, epistemological, ethical and psychological foundations from an experiential perspective that combines, in the same movement, theory and practice. This experiential approach, as well as the unconditional love for reality and the therapeutic eagerness are shared by Philosophical Praxis: a recent movement that seeks to rescue philosophy conceived as ars vitae and to fulfill its universal vocation for service. Philosophical Practice offers an adequate framework to relight Buddhist philosophy and to adapt it to serve our society. It is proposed that Buddhism is read and approached from a Philosophical Practice viewpoint and applied in that context. 


Buddhism, Philosophical Practice, Philosophy for Life, East and West.


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Author Biography

Teresa Gaztelu, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas

Profesora Colaboradora Asociada. Departamento de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales.




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