Una unitat didàctica basada en l’enfocament per tasques: reflexions i exemples
This article presents an experience of the implementation of a pedagogic unit based on the task-based approach. A brief theoretical review of the basis of task-based approach is made in order to contextualise the experience which is carried out with a group of adult learners in a public school in the Balearic Islands. The aims of the article are: 1) to describe the phases of the didactic unit and the typology of activities included and 2) to show the type of interaction that task-based work can generate. In order to achieve these objectives, examples of activities from the different phases are given and fragments of the conversation generated by the activities are analysed. At the end, a summary is given of the benefits that task-based work can have for language learning and, in particular, for adult learners.
task-based language teaching, adult education, Catalan additional language, Catalan foreign language, pedagogic unitReferences
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Copyright (c) 2021 Albert Vilagrasa Grandia, Marilisa Birello

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