La retroacció correctiva oral amb estudiants adults poc escolaritzats
In recent years, corrective feedback has aroused much interest and a considerable number of studies have been carried out in this field, especially in English as a second or foreign language, but in Catalan as an additional language it is still in its early stages. This article focuses on the oral corrective feedback that the teacher provides to the students when they produce a statement that contains an error in a context of Catalan as an additional language with low-educated adult students of an educational center located in a penitentiary context. Data were collected during 5 lessons that were recorded, transcribed and coded for the analysis. The results of the study show that there is a high number of mistakes of pronunciation and lexicon, apart from frequent use of Spanish (language shared with the teacher) when the students are expected to use Catalan. Furthermore, related with oral corrective feedback, the findings show that the most common strategies are recasts and translations. Prompts are less common, but clarification requests and elicitation stand out. Finally, in most cases, students notice the oral corrective feedback provided. With recasts and translations the number of uptake is very high, but only a third of the cases conduct to repair. Prompts lead students to a correction of the error by the students.
oral corrective feedback, uptake, Catalan as an additional language, classroom interaction, low-educated adult studentsReferences
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Copyright (c) 2021 Maria Teresa Sans Bertran, Marilisa Birello

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