Formación del profesorado a través de las prácticas profesionalizadoras


  • Georgina Paris Autonomous University of Barcelona Faculty of Education Departament of Applied Pedagogy


The present theoretical review attempts to explore the duality of teacher profiles when the teacher intervenes in a context of initial and regulated training as a teacher, or conversely when he acts in a work context as a trainer. Although both profiles share similar features, capacities and competences, it should be noted that the training processes for their professionalization present notable differences. While teachers have prescriptive training that responds to competency models certified by the respective quality agencies, and there are also a significant number of initiatives that promote innovative experiences to improve professionalizing practices of their performance, trainers of the labor system face more austere conditions. The diversity that is maintained throughout Europe in terms of initial training for employment professionals makes it difficult to obtain a single reference. Defining their profiles and professional skills would improve their professional identity, while allowing progress in more professionalizing devices and training modalities.


teacher, trainer, professionalization, initial training, employment training.


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Author Biography

Georgina Paris, Autonomous University of Barcelona Faculty of Education Departament of Applied Pedagogy

Postdoctoral researcher and professor at the Applied Pedagogy Department of Faculty of Sciences of Education at Autonomous University of Barcelona.The main research fields in which he has developed his activity as a researcher and university teacher are: professional development, training of trainers, continuing vocational education and training, training for companies, professional competences for employment, assessment of competences, modality of training (dual learning, standard learning, etc.) and so on.




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